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Alpine Officials Clinics

As part of its mission to educate alpine officials, the NHARA AO Committee hosts a number of clinics during the season. Most clinics are in November and December, just prior to the season. 

Clinics are open to all USSA members, and are not just for those affiliated with NHARA. That said, there are clinics that target TD and RA officials as USSA requires that they attend an update each season and there are specific topics that must be covered for these officials. 

Other Clinic Options

The various divisions within the USSA Eastern Region have created a unified Alpine Official Clinic Schedule. All USSA members may attend any of these clinics. 

2025 USSA Eastern Region Alpine Official Clinic Schedule 

As within NHARA, some clinics specifically target the Technical Delegate (TD) and Race Administrator (RA) roles and should only be attended by those with or seeking these credentials. 

RA, TC and TD exams are available for qualified candidates by special scheduling. If you are interested in moving forward with one of those three AO certifications you should, first, determine if you have the necessary requisites, by reviewing the 2024 Alpine Officials Certification Guidelines. If so, speak with your Program Director to see if she or he agrees with your pursuit of that AO Certification. If you have the requisites and your Program Director approves, then, reach out NHARA AO Committee Chair to schedule an update. 

Last updated October 26, 2024